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Jester King Snorkel Can

Jester King Snorkel Can


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Farmhouse Ale - Saison

4.2% ABV


Snörkel — a farmhouse ale brewed with alderwood smoked sea salt and oyster mushrooms grown by our neighbor Logro Farms. Logro Farms is located just a few hundred yards from Jester King Brewery at Ceres Park Ranch. Snörkel takes partial inspiration from traditional German Gose. Like Gose, it’s moderate in alcohol, brewed with malted wheat and salt, and has some acidity or sourness in the flavor profile. We specifically used both sea salt and alderwood smoked sea salt, and fermented Snörkel (like all our beer) with a blend of brewers yeast, naturally occurring wild yeast, and native souring bacteria, the last of which lends the beer its acidity. But Gose only served as a jumping off point. From there, we set out to explore the savory characteristics of umami through use of the oyster mushrooms.